I will be developing my research project soon. Nothing finalised yet, but I will probably be working on the behavioural of at least two related species of fish from Mexico. All round nice guys, you can tell from their family name:
Goodieds. Like all members of the family the species I will be working on are beset by problems. End of world type problems, the kind maybe we can relate with. Many of them them are already extinct in the wild. They survive as refugees, living on handouts, in aquaria around the world. Will these underdogs of the fish world ever recover from their many perils, and will they survive persecution by one of their greatest enemies?
If all things go well, I will be developing and conducting short behavioural research program asking the question: are juvenile goodieds influenced by invasive alien species, the enemy. Diminutive and pretty, the guppy is nothing less than devastating, they are a legion and their weapon is aggressive sexual behaviour.
I intend to update the blog with updates as per the progress of the research and maybe reveal some of the fascinating, yes fascinating dammit, drama in the lives of the goodeid family as it struggles for existence in an increasingly hostile world.
Should provide some creative release for all the papers I will have to read...
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