Time has all but run out. Two days remain until I make my first go at Nanowrimo, and I want to make it a successful attempt. Surely peer pressure and fear of losing face are great motivational tools. I need friends, supporters - random people with too much time on their hands to cheer me on - or at worst anybody with a vindictive itch eager to goad me at the slightest hint of failure. So I have resurrected this blog and intend to post updates of my progress and word count, often - I can't be more specific because I have no fixed schedule yet. And hey, I might be busy.
And so the other reason for the blog. I am not going to have time for all that fantastic correspondence my family and friends have come to look forward to, to cherish, to use as props for their emotional well-being. No more of those, regular, lovingly crafted e-mails, say goodbye to those heart-warming, stimulating, motivational phone conversations. For the month of November if you want Nick's news: This is where it will be. You want to be entertained and enthralled by my amazing, exuberant, just this side of clinical, ramblings? This is where you need to be.
Only Forward:
I am now officially launching the new blog with an actual title this time.
Word counters will be put up soon. And maybe even a novel title. I am still not 100% committed to a novel idea, I have three possible ideas kicking around. And people: Time is running out.
cancer stuff update
3 years ago
Rey, first reader! If only I had something constructive to say...
1, 2, 3, GO!
Good luck!
"...three possible ideas kicking around..." - dude, you're sorted. Whaaatt.. it's 3 more ideas than I have! Good luck, Dr. Jones!
Hi Nick
I can send you a fishing lure you can use to attract your creativity, swims like a shark.
Good Luck!
Siki = Marco
A swimming lure that swims like a shark and attracts my creativity! Sounds awesome, I really want one to exist now. I have a question though: Where do I swim it- must I take it down to the river or can I use the bathtub when I get stuck on a scene?
I will gladly take on the role of the badgerer with a vindictive itch to goad you at the slightest hint of failure. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why aren't you writing, hmmm? stop wasting you time on the blog and WRITE.
Just teasing - good luck!
PS is one your three ideas my story? hint hint.
Wow, 2000 words already! Well done GBSOD!!!
You have less than two weeks left! And you are FAR from half way. Better get a move on, hey? Just think how good you will feel if you make it to 50 000.
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