Welcome to my domain... catch the pun? Actually that doesn't work as a pun dammit. I better fix that. I'll put that on my list of things to do, wherever that is:under the pile of study notes perhaps? It has been so long since I looked there.
You might be asking yourself, why does Nick have a blog, and if you know me a little better than that you might wonder if england has done something -strange- to me...
Yes, can you believe it? Nick, following a trend, and worse going against his ingrained aversion to the current paradigm of attention seeking, ego stroking narcsasits desperate to be different 'unique' . All those who strive to be original; making their amazing, earthshattering intellectual insights and scathing opinions known to the public simultaneously becoming cliche'.
Though I may have done it twice in one year now- finally embracing new fangled, fashionable tech, I have not suddenly developed into a not fashion conscious, commercial centric Ken barbie-doll, capatilast zombie, shell of a man. In fact fashion is still an anathema to me. Umm... Hooray?
But I have a case for my defence: Mobile phones really are useful, and besides they are so ubiquitious now that they have become part of everyday life and no one really cares if you have one or not anymore; it is just a nuisance all round if I don't have one.
As for the Blog, which I have always thought of (and still do for the most part) as the more pretensious and less committed version of getting a tattoo and nose piercing. Only more ubiquitous -and thus even less appealing- and incredibly emo. It is, however, no longer an entirely 'image garnering tool', there are some good blogs out there. For those of you interested check out my favourtite author-blog linked to the right there- 'They must need bears'. Besides I do not intend or indeed want the public gawking at my blog or oggling at tweaked pictures of myself and my fluffy pug Toto.
No, the idea behind this blog is it to keep all of you, my greatly diffuse network of friends and family connected. Connected with ME. That is of course if interest is kept up, on both sides. On yours dear reader, because I don't want to know what happens when a word crashes into another in the middle of the page and there is no reader to see it, and mine - obviously this is all about me. Wow, there goes my ego already, heel boy!
I am also harbouring a secret dream that if I set it up and you guys click like mad at the ads I can earn a bit of pocket money. But shush, don't tell google...
This may very well end up as another of my many projects that gets left chocking on the dust of some new found dream that snaps my head around as it flashes by. But it might be usefull and hopefully even mildly entertaining while it lasts, so please do visit and comment. I like invoggorating, if pretension and or nonsense filled,arguments as much as the next person, perhaps more... so lets debate.
Oh, one last thing... hopefully this will provide another reason, and outlet, for my writing. The old adage, practice makes perfect... well I think we will all agree I need some of that then.
cancer stuff update
3 years ago
Now that is strange... I always thought you were going for the "commercial centric Ken barbie-doll, capatilast zombie, shell of a man" type look. Oh well, I have been known to be wrong in the past, so maybe this is one of those rare occasions. Let's hope so... Spug out.
he he hey, my first comment.
Although to be honest, I have recived comment via e-mail. One particulary excellent one from Heather...who will hopefully post it up here herself (or I will have to step in)
Anyway I do believe that where you made your mistake Spug, is that you mistook the 'capitalist zombie' look for the actual Zombie Look. This, rather less common look, is characteristic of real zombies and humans whos clothes fall prey to extreme neglect and repeated all-weather hardships.
Well that was interesting to know all that about you. J-date is a great read. well keep up the good work... look forward to seeing more of your work... bye
Whats with the title?
Why don't you like titles?
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