I have to apologise, dear readers, for a complete lack of significant update since, well since the beginning. As most of you are aware though, I have been sick and rather busy. All is not lost though, unless of course all of you have all already given up bothering to check for new content. No, I am still here and ready to enrich and add
meaning your lives.
I have passed all the exams for my first module and I am now one complete step closer to becoming a web designer, and the true satisfaction of a
real job. A job where I may earn enough money to become a blip on the radar screens of the goblins of the dark side of the force- the market force. I will, by being able to actually buy the odd piece of over priced merchandise develop statsitical and actuarial meaning. And, quite possibly, consequently have more spam and
exclusive -one time only- you will fail at life without this deal- offers thrust at me.
I have to admit, as much I dislike shopping, especially the physical act of battling through massed armies of fellow shoppers. Armed with straggling kids and ram-like oversized prams ( with turning circles not unlike that of first generation tanks). I do like to shop. No I am not a (complete) moron, I hate shopping, but in certain very specific circumstances I like to shop. I like to browse great shelves full of things I want. I say browse because actually buying anything would involve spending money. Something I currently lack.
I suppose that is part of the attraction, the desire is hightened by the knowledge that I can't have it. Yet...
I try to stay out of those siren brothels, because it it so easy under their spell to convince yourself that you can afford something, just this once, as you know a treat. It is so easy to forget, once inside, all those previous purchases. It is so easy and that the particlar idol really is,
this time, the one your future happiness relies upon.
Even if each time before we found ourselves sitting staring blankly at an inanimate soulless mass produced product. The hastily torn packaging scattered around us, an impromtu pentagram, a pagan shrine to our new Happiness: and there is nothing, no epiphany. Perhaps already we think about the sequel, we
need that now.
Merchandise that has been hyped, by advertising, to levels where anticipation of the 'thing' becomes a mass hysteria (like waiting for the Da Vinci Code movie- those poor misguided fools). A fleetingly tangible emptiness . For, once having purchased the 'thing' and experienced that brief rush of actualisation - finally owning what I
always wanted- the 'thing' becomes its own anti-climax.
In a turn of events which, redolent of a slight hypocrisy: I have applied for a job in a well known high street retail outlet.
And I managed to get an interview.
The interview went well, well I felt comfortable during it, and afterwards I could think of no glaring faux pas that might have slipped my lips. I might even have a chance at getting offered the job. As Nix said: She will remember me and that is a good thing. Far better than being so normal and expected you fade into the background noise of normality. I just don't know if being rememberd for interesting stories about elephants and their sensitivity to chillis is going to help - in any way- in getting a job as a sales assistant in a retail store in the middle of England.